学びの詩 Poetry of Learning《Music & Visuals》


川の流れに身を委ね 未知の地へと進む探求の旅路に 一歩を踏み出す

得意な技に 身を焦がし強さを手に入れる その道を行く

しかしリーダーになるには 新たな地図も知るべし得意しらず 興味なきことも 学び続けよう

リーダーは司令塔 知と技を掌握しチームの魂を結ぶ コミュニケーションの芸術

幅広き知識を 巧みに操り夢のプロジェクトを 共に成し遂げよう

しかしリーダーになるには 専門を越えた視点も必要構造を知り 業界の息吹を感じよう

学び舎は知の宝庫 広く学ぶその姿勢苦手を抱き 興味を謳え 未来のリーダーへの礎

時にはモチベが さ迷う暗闇に小さな灯火を 差し出し進む

一日一歩 新たなる知識の門を叩き達成の美酒で 心を満たそう

友と家族と 分かち合う学びの喜び競い合わず 自らの成長を愉しもう

最後に休息を 自らを優しく抱きしめバランスの魔法で 学びへの情熱を守ろう

“Poetry of Learning”


Drifting along the river’s flow, venturing into the unknown,Embarking on a journey of exploration, taking that first step.

Embracing our strengths, fueled by our expertise,Grasping onto resilience as we tread this path.

Yet to lead, we must also chart new maps,Embrace the unfamiliar, and learn what doesn’t spark our interests.

Leaders as beacons, mastering knowledge and skill,Binding the team’s spirit through the art of communication.

Manipulating a breadth of knowledge with finesse,Together, achieving dreams of projects yet untold.

To lead, we must broaden our horizons,Understanding structures, feeling the pulse of industries.

Schools, repositories of wisdom, instill the ethos of broad learning,Embracing weaknesses, nurturing interests, laying the foundation for future leaders.

Sometimes, in the darkness where motivation wanes,Extending a small beacon of light and forging ahead.

One step at a time, knocking on the gates of new knowledge,Filling our hearts with the nectar of accomplishments.

Sharing the joy of learning with friends and family,Not in competition, but reveling in our own growth.

Lastly, embracing rest, gently holding ourselves,Guarding our passion for learning with the magic of balance.


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