“Symphony of Light and Shadow”《Music & Visuals》Mr.Thanks(ミスターサンクス)
“Symphony of Light and Shadow”
The good and the bad, life is a colorful palette
Moments of joy and regret, parts of the picture on our hearts
Without excitement, the canvas fades
Even what seems a minus now will be a plus someday
After the storm, a rainbow appears
After the tears, smiles bloom
Every experience creates light and shadow
Drawing a symphony of the new you
Sadness is like stars in the night, quietly shining
Joy is like the morning sun, lighting up a new day
In a life without spark, creativity dims
Even pain can become wings of future hope
After the storm, a rainbow appears
After the tears, smiles bloom
Every experience creates light and shadow
Drawing a symphony of the new you
Past wounds are guides to the light of the future
All of them shape who I am now
Both failures and successes paint my heart’s canvas
Leading to a shining future
After the storm, a rainbow appears
After the tears, smiles bloom
Every experience creates light and shadow
Drawing a symphony of the new you
In a life without spark, no new colors are born
Embrace every moment, surpass yourself
A symphony woven with light and shadow
Let it resonate into the future
- 大手アパレルメーカーで30年間勤務し、国内では営業・商品企画・事業企画・他社とのコラボレーションを推進する部門、そして約14年間で海外にて2カ国の法人社長を経験。その後、経営コンサルティング会社に転職し、アパレル以外のビジネスの知見を深め、現在は、コンサルティング会社を起業し、本業に加えファッション系の専門学校で教示している。アパレル業界を目指す全ての方々に実践的なノウハウを伝授したいと思っています。
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